Investment management

We invest in stranded assets or assets suitable for conversion and transform these investments to give them a sustainable future in keeping with our ESG ambitions. With over 20 years of professional experience in the real estate market, PingProperties has built up a strong position and critical mass.
Our track record, our market knowledge and our corporate network enable us to keep a close eye on the market. We have a focus, we are creative in finding investment solutions and we have the speed and perseverance to successfully complete complex financing issues. Always from the point of view of adding sustainable value.


We work with a select number of strategic investment partners, including PingInvestors. PingProperties currently manages invested assets of around 450 million euros.

Every investment option requires its own approach, structure and financing model and is aimed at adding sustainable values ​​and achieving optimum returns. PingProperties structures joint ventures in which it also invests through its investment branch.

The investment management team at PingProperties coordinates in-house capital market transactions in the areas of purchase, sale and financing. For investment partners wanting to step out of the joint venture or do not want to participate in a new investment opportunity, we ensure attraction of new investment partners so investments remain liquid.

We strive to achieve excellent tenant satisfaction and set ourselves apart through a proactive attitude towards sustainability. It means that our leases are 100% Greenlease, in which agreements are made between the tenant and lessor on how we will work together towards making our properties Paris Proof. This could involve investing in insulation, LED lighting, solar panels and heat pumps. Besides the structural improvements, we encourage tenants to reduce energy consumption in their buildings. By managing the total energy consumption, we can remove obstacles and together choose the most sustainable and cost-effective solution.

PingProperties believes that entering into long-term relationships and pursuing transparent working methods have a positive effect on the returns we can achieve. That is why investors are directly involved with PingProperties. We hold frequent meetings on the policy and developments within the fund. PingProperties monitors the investments’ objectives and other agreements made, and manages our departments and external parties with this in mind. We are also responsible and accountable for the financial management of the funds.