Bloeyendael fully let to PLUS Retail


PingProperties recently reached agreement with PLUS Retail for the remaining space of 700 m² in the Bloeyendael office building in Utrecht. This means that the building, with a total of 6,700 m² of office space, is now fully let.


PLUS Retail has occupied Bloeyendael since February 2014. The office building was completely redeveloped for the lessee in just eight months, and now meets the most modern requirements that today’s lessee demands of its accommodation.


PingProperties has been very active for many years with intensive redevelopment projects for existing buildings and has given many of the buildings in its portfolio a new and sustainable lease of life.


At present three buildings are being redeveloped to improve their sustainability: the head office of Siemens in The Hague, the head office of the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht, and the head office of DNV GL (Kema) in Arnhem. These redevelopment projects will be completed in 2015 and during the course of 2016.

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