PingProperties renews and adds space to lease with Novar in the Cascade complex in Groningen


PingProperties has signed a 5-year lease with Novar for approx. 1,280 m² and 13 parking spaces at Emmasingel 4 in building 9 of the Cascade complex in Groningen. It involves renewing the existing lease and adding approx. 640 m2 of office space and 6 parking spaces, starting on 1 February 2026.


About the Cascade complex
The Cascade complex is situated at Cascadeplein 2 to 10 and Emmasingel 4 in Groningen. The complex is the largest multi-tenant government building in the Netherlands and accommodates 14 different government agencies, including the Central Government Real Estate Agency (RVB), the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), the Land Registry, the Groningen Archives and the Telecom Agency. Novar also has offices in the complex. The Cascade complex is 100% let.


About Novar
Novar is market leader and expert in green energy systems, with many years of experience in large-scale solar projects. It has all the expertise required to develop renewable energy projects, from a single asset to an entire green energy system.

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