PingProperties renews lease with BforYou Foundation


PingProperties has recently concluded a lease with the BforYou Foundation (Stichting BforYou) in the Eudokiaplein retail and business complex in Rotterdam.

Continuation of lessee/lessor relationship
The BforYou Foundation has been a lessee at Eudokiaplein since 2014 and is now renewing its lease. On 1 September this year it will be relocating within the Eudokiaplein amenities complex to Bergsingel 271. From that moment the Foundation will be leasing 217 m2 LFA of office space, with splendid views across the green canals of Rotterdam.

About the BforYou Foundation
The BforYou Foundation has been supporting children in developing their talents and expanding their horizons through the commitment of its volunteer mentors since 2002. The Foundation strives for a society in which all young people, whether or not from a deprived background, can develop their talents to the full. It mobilizes government bodies, the business community and other partners to achieve its aim.

About Eudokiaplein
The Eudokia amenities complex, located in Rotterdam-Noord, has a total floor area of approx. 10,479 m² with a modern basement car park directly linked to the shopping centre by a travelator. The shopping centre, which attracts around 55,000 visitors each week, is mainly for day-to-day shopping and has a range of shops, including two large supermarkets (Albert Heijn and Aldi). The amenities complex, focusing on care and welfare, gives an extra social dimension for the area. The subdistrict offices for Rotterdam-Noord, for example, are located here, as are a range of social and care institutions (such as the Laurens Foundation (Stichting Laurens) the Youth and Family Centre (Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin) and the NIDOS Foundation (Stichting NIDOS). These users exert a considerable attractive force in the area and complement their neighbourhood and the complex.

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