Three star BREEAM-NL certificate for sustainable TenneT head office


Owner PingProperties Corporate Office fund II C.V. and lessee TenneT received a three star BREEAM-NL Final Certificate (Very Good) last week for the Mariëndaal Centre of Excellence (MCE). Since December 2013 TenneT has had its headquarters in the brand new head office in Energy Businesspark Arnhems Buiten.


Although TenneT leases the building, it has invested significantly in the sustainability of the accommodation. “The well-being of our employees is essential. For us, a sustainable, healthy working environment is therefore a matter of course”, says Mel Kroon, CEO of TenneT.


Edo Gihaux, investment manager at PingProperties: “The building has been constructed with a sustainability objective. Outdated buildings have been demolished and a new, sustainable office has risen on a smaller footprint. For PingProperties it is therefore great to see that the lessee continues this sustainability objective in the interior and use. The high requirements of TenneT have produced this beautiful result.”


DGBC director Annemarie van Doorn: “A remarkable achievement, particularly since the lessee and owner joined forces to bring this about. TenneT is an example for other end-users. As the Dutch Green Building Council, we would like to see more end-users assume their responsibilities like TenneT has done. For the people, planet and profit.”


Cradle-to-cradle fit-out package
For the furnishings and fittings (walls, floors, furniture) of the Mariëndaal Centre of Excellence, TenneT has opted for an optimally sustainable fit-out package. The wishes of TenneT have been compiled according to the Cradle-to-Cradle principle. This means that TenneT has opted for materials that are less environmentally harmful and fully recyclable but not cost-increasing. In addition, all the materials of the fit-out package have been included in a contract, which means that they will be returned after use to the suppliers/manufacturers to be similarly recycled. Worldwide this is the second project in which responsibility is assumed at this level of sustainability for future generations.

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