PingProperties concludes long-term lease with Euler Hermes


PingProperties recently concluded a new lease with Euler Hermes. From 1 May 2019 Euler Hermes will lease 1,559 m² and 62 parking spaces at Brabantlaan 2, located in Pettelaarpark in ’s-Hertogenbosch. The building has a total floor area of approx. 11,245 m² with 475 parking spaces. Canon leases the remaining space in the building and parking spaces.


The building is at a highly visible position along the A2 motorway. Pettelaarpark has for many years been one of the most prominent and successful motorway locations in the Netherlands. In 2018 PingProperties made the building fully sustainable. This work involved installing 594 solar panels on the roof, generating more than 150,000 kWh per year. Heat and cold are also generated by means of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system in the ground, so that heat, cold and electricity are all sustainably generated. This upgrade means that the building now boasts an energy label A and is a model of sustainability.


About Euler Hermes
Euler Hermes is a global market leader in credit insurance, warranties and debt collection. For more than 110 years Euler Hermes has served a variety of sectors and businesses of all sizes in more than 50 countries. Euler Hermes, part of Allianz, employs around 6,000 people worldwide and has its head office in Paris.


Euler Hermes was advised by CBRE in this lease transaction.

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